JANUARY 18 & 19, 2008
Stockman Grass Farmer’s
New Opportunities Conference
January 18 and 19, Friday & Saturday
Embassy Suites, Denver Colorado,
Denver International Airport
Cash in on The Green Revolution!
The really nice thing is that a lot of the new money from these opportunities arrives in your mail with no effort on your part. These passive income sources can frequently be far more than your income from livestock with little to no financial risk on your part. Let us show them to you.
Bring ‘em on!!!!
All are opportunities!
Take a look at the lineup of great speakers:
Gregg Simonds became known as the ranch financial fixer by engineering turnarounds for several of the West’s largest ranches. While a no-hay approach to livestock production was a major part of this, he also created multiple ancillary income sources from such esoteric activities as hunting, birdwatching and camping. Today, he is in the forefront in carbon sequestration and water development. In this presentation he will talk about how he has created a million dollars a year in non-livestock income for the ranch he currently manages.
Pete Ferrell was a pioneer in wind farm development in Kansas. Today, he gets a nice monthly check for the wind blowing across his ranch. In this presentation, he will outline what kind of ranches make good wind farms, how to measure your ranch’s wind potential and market it to a developer for its maximum royalty. Wind power is hot and is going to get hotter over the next three years. Cash in before the crash!
Russ Maytag has a beautiful mountain ranch in the Colorado Rockies that he wants to remain beautiful in perpetuity. While carefully protecting his ranch’s grass production potential, Russ has been selling this protected viewscape to urban runaways for over a million dollars a piece. A nice byproduct has been the development of a local market for his organic, grassfed beef and some great neighbors. Your ranch’s view could be your most valuable product as well but the clock is running on real estate.
Chad Peterson set the grazing world on its ear by running his large Nebraska cattle herd at a stock density of one million pounds of beef per acre! An interesting byproduct of this management was tripling his ranch’s soil carbon organic matter. While this extra soil organic matter makes for great grass growth and drought protection, it could create a huge annual income from carbon trading credits in the near future. Chad will show you how he does this and how you can too. Global warming. Bring it on! We’ve got the answer out in our pastures.
Alan Tripp is one of a group of Utah ranchers who have pioneered ranch-scale biodiesel production. Biodiesel can literally be made in your sink and is the inexpensive alternative fuel. Alan will detail the many feedstocks available to ranchers and will have his small-scale production unit on hand for you to view. Whether for your own use or as a salable product, biodiesel is the small-scale alternative fuel. Why worry about $115 a barrel oil? You can make your own fuel for as little as a dollar a gallon.
Kathy Voth will show you how you can make Leafy Spurge, Knapweed and other noxious weeds a favorite food for your cattle and get a boost in average daily gain! Sheep and goat graziers are making great money grazing weeds, now cattle ranchers can too. You will be making money from plants your neighbors are spending thousands of dollars to kill. You can both amaze your neighbors and buy weed infested ranches with great confidence if you follow Kathy’s proven program.
Angela Jackson has spent years helping develop premium priced organic and grassfed markets in the West. These markets are now developed enough, particularly on the West Coast, that they are searching for feeder cattle that will fit their needs. In this presentation, she will detail the calf and feeder cattle pricing structure for the West’s premium priced markets and who and where they are. Are you ready for a commodity cattle price crash? Here’s a great way to hedge against that inevitable event while cashing in on today’s premium prices.
Bob Scriven is a Nebraska irrigated pasture consultant who will show you that irrigated pasture or hay will return several times more profit per acre than irrigated grains. The beauty of high priced grains is that they are pulling forage values up even faster and higher while pasture irrigation costs are falling thanks to new technology. If you are considering irrigation, this presentation will show you how to get the most return for the least investment and why you should do it now in these high grain price days.
And as usual, SGF editor, Allan Nation, will give you an overview and insight into the exciting three years just ahead and the sobering return to reality after that.
The price of this conference is $650, however, you can hold a place with a deposit of only $150. Send your check with the coupon,call 1-800-748-9808, or sign up online today! It begins at 8:30 Friday, January 18 and concludes at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, January 19.
The Embassy Suites DIA is offering a special discount rate of $109 for single or double suites prior to January 5, 2008. Call them at 303-574- 3000 to reserve your room. All events will be at the Embassy Suites including a networking reception with the speakers.
$150.00 Register and Reserve Space
$650.00 Register and Pay in Full for Conference
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